Since 1932

This Fund is incorporated as a non-profit corporation under the revised code of Washington 24.03. The Fund is exempt from federal income tax under Section 501(a) of the Internal Revenue Code as an organization described in Section 501(c)(3). Donors may deduct contributions to the Fund as provided in Section 170 of the Internal Revenue Code (IRS Tax No. 91-1676907).
Objectives and Purposes of the Fund
To prepare young people who have an interest in Norwegian-American ideals with an education in civic and commercial activity that will benefit Seattle, Washington state, and the greater Pacific Northwest.
To promote education that will assist in, and encourage, the building of new industries and the expansion of old through training in accredited formal and vocational public and private schools in the northwestern United States, Canada and the Scandinavian countries.
To further the education of applicants interested in promoting the cultural and/or commercial relationships between the Scandinavian nations and the United States.
Evaluation of Scholarships
The applications for scholarships will be evaluated on merit alone. Committee members when reviewing applications, will avoid real or perceived conflicts of interest.
Expenses of the Fund
All expenses for the administration of the Norwegian Scholarship Fund shall be borne by the Norwegian Commercial Club (NCC). As a result, one hundred percent of all NCC scholarship funds are used for scholarships.
Fund Management
Officers of the Fund shall consist of NCC members that make up a President of the Scholarship Fund, together with a Vice-President, Treasurer and Secretary as well as other trustees with at least one representative from the NCC board totaling no fewer than 3 and no more than 12.
Note To Members
If interested in participating as a member of the scholarship committee, contact the NCC President or NCC Scholarship Fund President. Articles of incorporation and by-laws are on file with your Club Officers and the Fund Manager. Board Members are elected once per year in May.
The Norwegian Commercial Club is offering scholarships through its Scholarship Fund.:
1)A cash-only award to registered educational institute of the award recipient.
2) A NCC Fisheries Scholarship available to:
a) high school seniors or graduate students seeking to pursue a career in fisheries management or fisheries research in the Pacific Northwest or Alaska, or
b) to students in fisheries technical schools, such as the Maritime Academy.
3) A scholarship towards tuition and expenses for the International Summer School at the University of Oslo. The ISS scholarship is limited to students who live or attend school in Washington.
Depending on the number of qualified candidates, the allocations may change without notice.
All application forms should be submitted online
In lieu of online submission, applications may be sent to:
Katrina Sharpe-Svasand
NCC Scholarship Fund President
C/O Leif Erikson Lodge
2245 NW 57th St
Seattle, WA 98107
Applications are due by March 1st. If mailing an application it must be POSTMARKED NO LATER THAN March 1st of the Application Year in order to be reviewed.
Scholarship recipients will be notified early April, and grantees will be expected to appear at the Norwegian Commercial Club’s April meeting on 2nd Thursday (April 10, 2025).
Scholarship awards are based generally on financial need, scholarship capability, activities of the applicant, and the objectives and purposes of the fund.
The award may be used for tuition to a private or public school in the Pacific Northwest or Scandinavia or (where specified) for travel to study in Scandinavia.
The cash award will usually be disbursed to your school for application on tuition or school-related requirements.